Role of Security operations Centre



The security operations center is usually built around a spoke and hub architecture. Data from security feeds are correlated and aggregated with security information and event management. Several systems and functions such as threat intelligence platforms, endpoint detection, and remediation, intrusion prevention system, and many more are incorporated in the SOC system.

What is a SOC

To answer what is a SOC, it can be stated as a centralized function in any organization to employ technology, process, and people for monitoring and improving the organization’s security posture through responding, analyzing, detecting, and preventing cyber security incidents. One can say that SOC is a central command post that keeps an eye on organizations’ infrastructure for IT including information stores, appliances, devices, networks, and many more.

Roles of the Security operations center

Precisely defining the SOC functions to detect, monitor, investigate and monitor the cyber threats occurring to any organization. Some of the major roles that a SOC plays in any organization are summarized below:

  1. Stocktaking of available resources

The SOC should have complete data about the business threat landscape in the organization. This includes the software in the premises and the third-party flow of assets. To improve the efficiency and agility of the SOC, it should know all the cybersecurity tools and workflows within the organization.

  1. Maintenance

Every SOC should be prepared with a security road map and disaster recovery plan, to be prepared for any emerging threats. Also, as a preventive measure, it is vital to regularly update, maintain the systems, firewall policies, and secure and blacklist applications. 

  1. Monitoring

Continuous and proactive monitoring flag any suspicious activities and abnormalities which may cause threats in the future. By getting to know about the threat in time, it becomes easy to mitigate and prevent harm.

  1. Management and Ranking

Ranking and managing threats by discarding the false alarms and determining actual threats provide a way to handle the most urgent issues appropriately.

  1. Response to threat

SOC responds to any threat immediately after its attack by actions such as deleting files, terminating ongoing processes, isolating endpoints, or shutting down. This reduces the risk and impact on the business.

  1. Remediation and Recovery

In the worst scenario, when the system is attacked, then SOC performs actions to recover and restore systems by restarting and wiping endpoints, deploying viable attacks, reconfiguring systems, and many more.

  1. Log Management

Internal logs are normally created through SOC by co-relating and aggregating endpoints, operating systems, firewalls, and applications. This data is very helpful in revealing the existence of threats and recovery of data after any specific incident.

  1. Investigation

After any threat incident occurs, the SOC acts as an investigating agency to understand the root cause. This is important so that similar incidents do not hit in the future.

  1. Improvement and Refinement

The planning of security road map, practices such as purple teaming and red teaming, and many such practices are constantly followed by SOC to improve and update themselves.

  1. Compliance management

The SOC audits its system regularly to comply with any regulations prevailing in the law.


For any organization, SOCs are responsible for monitoring and protecting valuable assets. Thus SOC behaves as a single point of collaboration to assess, monitor, and defend against any kind of cyber attack or threat with coordinated efforts.