The Beginner’s Guide To Air Filter In Singapore This 2022


The battle against the COVID-19 virus is not over yet. Besides getting vaccinated, proper hygiene, frequent handwashing, and virus free environment is our best defence. But can you ensure that your home or office is virus-free? Apart from disinfecting your home thoroughly, getting the best air purifier in Singapore could drastically boost your COVID-19 virus protection. 

Since the pandemic struck, the demand for a large and mini air purifier in Singapore has slightly increased. But did you know that prior to the pandemic, many households, offices, and establishments had been already using air filters?

Before they meant to use it to eliminate the virus in the air, people had been using an air filter in Singapore to remove air pollutants, such as dust, mites, and tobacco smoke, that triggers respiratory conditions, including allergies and asthma. That said, many types of air filters have been invented for several needs. But one question remains: which one of these filters are the right one for you?

The Common Types Of Air Filter You Can Find In Singapore And How They Work

If you go to an appliance centre, perhaps you have seen air filters of various shapes and sizes. There are bulky and large ones, while others are sleek and slender. There is even a wearable portable air purifier in Singapore.

These filters do not only differ in their shape and sizes. Their primary differences are their filtering system. But before we discuss the several types of air filters, we must first understand the micron chart.


The micron or micrometre is a unit of measurement used for the tiniest particles. Particles that are five microns or larger are visible to the naked eye. A good example is human hair– 50 to 70 microns in diameter.

Air particles such as dust, impurities from smoke, and even viruses are usually less than one micron, meaning they are invisible to the naked eye.


When purchasing the best air purifier in Singapore, you might have heard of the MERV. MERV or the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values states the ability of your air filter to capture air particles of specific microns.

In the MERV scale, the higher the MERV rating of an air filter is, the better it is in capturing the finest particles.

For example, a portable air purifier in Singapore with a MERV rating of one to four can filter out particles larger than 10 microns, such as sand, bugs, and human hair.

An air filter with a MERV rating of 17 to 20 eliminates particles smaller than 0.3 microns, such as bacteria, droplets, and viruses in the air.

HEPA Technology

You might have seen air filters advertising HEPA technology. But what is it exactly? HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air filter. HEPA filters are made up of several folds of fine fibre material, such as foam, cotton, fibreglass, and other filtering material.

These multiple layers of fine filtering materials create a maze that traps the particles when the air is sucked in.

Most HEPA filters can filter out particles three microns in size and larger. It means that it can capture pollen, moulds, and dust. It is important to clean your HEPA filter every two months.

Activated Carbon Technology

Activated carbon has been used for water purification for many years. Your mini air purifier in Singapore might be using it, too! But what is activated carbon?

Activated carbon or activated charcoal is a highly porous material that captures and holds organic chemicals and compounds.

Activated carbon filters are made of activated carbon in powder, granular, or blocked form used to many air and water filters.

Activated carbon technology is best known for removing odours in the air as it can absorb particles as large as 0.3 microns. It includes gases, tobacco smoke, and other impurities. Most importantly, odour causing bacteria.

Some air purifiers with HEPA filters also use a layer of activated carbon in their system.

UV Technology

Unlike any other filters, UV technology uses lights to get rid of air particles. It does not exactly work on other physical air impurities, such as dust, pollen, and dander. But they are effective in killing airborne organisms.

UV technology uses ultraviolet light to kill airborne microbes, germs, bacteria, and viruses. When the UV air filter in Singapore sucks air, it damages the cells of microbes, killing them before releasing the air back.

Without other filtering systems, such as HEPA and activated carbon, UV technology is ineffective in getting rid of dust and other larger air particles.


Ionisers and Ozone Technology

Ionisers and ozone filters use very different methods in filtering the air. An ion is an atom with a positive or negative electric charge. Ionic portable air purifier in Singapore releases negative ions into the air. These ions attract particles in the air, clumping them together magnetically. When the clumps become too heavy, these particles drop onto the floor, walls, and other surfaces.

On the other hand, the ozone filters suck the air in, giving it a strong electrical charge. When released back into the air, the ozone molecules attach themselves to bacterias, viruses, and fungi, destroying their cells.

Electrostatic Technology

Similar to ionisers and ozone filters, electrostatic filters use charges to clean the air.

Electrostatic air filters use an electric field to capture air particles. The mini electrostatic air purifier in Singapore sucks in the air that goes through negatively and positively charged filters. These filters act like magnets, attracting the particles that pass through them.

It can trap particles larger than three microns, such as dust, pollen, and dander.


Each type of air filter in Singaporehas its advantages and disadvantages. Its effectiveness also depends on the MERV rating. The key to finding the best air filter in the country is considering certain factors, such as the MERV and micron rating, the size of your home, and the type of air particles you want to filter out.

Do you want an odourless home? A carbon activated filter might be for you. Do you want a virus-free office? Perhaps, a UV filter can help.

Get the best air purifier in Singapore at Aurabeat. Aurabeat Singapore has a vast collection of advanced air purifiers for you. Visit Aurabeat Singapore today.