5 QA And Software Testing Mistakes To Avoid


Software development is a long, involved process with a lot of steps, which is why it can be tempting to cut corners here and there. The usual problem is that teams opt to let a few errors in the initial stage slip or not put enough attention on test case management in order to meet deadlines. 

Rushing to meet deadlines at the expense of QA seems like a good idea, but a buggy product will lead to more problems and costs down the road and negatively affect the reputation of the brand. As such, it’s important for development teams to ensure proper quality assurance and deliver well-tested results.

Here are a few QA mistakes that should be avoided at all costs.

Not communicating

One of the most important things to have when working on a team is communication. Doesn’t matter what business, project, or field it falls under, communication is key to ensuring a project’s success.

For QA and software testing, the developers and the testers need to communicate openly with each other, not just to foster trust between the two teams and make the development and testing process easier, but to ensure that terms and boundaries are established clearly. 

By communicating properly, the chances of the developers feeling like they’re being criticized unnecessarily or act overly-defensive when errors are brought up is reduced, and the whole process can stay focused on ensuring success.

Not bringing in an expert

Whether it’s an in-house QA team or having to hire QA companies in order to make sure the product runs right, having a professional around is invaluable.The common mistake in such a situation is bringing in a developer or analyst to handle testing, which is akin to asking someone to review their own writing; doesn’t really pan out.

Testers have a lot to do in order to make sure a system runs fine, starting with documentation, going all the way to running multiple types of tests in order to make sure all the requirements are met. Outsourcing QA by hiring QA companies is an option for those that don’t have the resources for this, giving them the ability to focus on core functions and letting the QA team handle, well, QA.

Having improper documentation

No good project ever came to be without proper documentation; everything needs to be listed down. The project’s requirements and functionalities need to be specified, not just for the developers, but for the testers as well, as it helps make sure that everyone is on the same page and there’s something to turn to in case something comes up.

Not incorporating testing tools

Once a testing department is appointed to handle testing, then there should also be tools integrated into the whole development process. Organization is key to ensuring that the team meshes well and the project is successful, so integrating tools like test case management tools, deflect tracking tools and the like means that everything is clearly defined and assigned. 

If something goes wrong, then someone must and will be held accountable in such a situation. That’s important to ensuring transparency throughout the project.