6 Significant Kinds Of Web Application

6 Significant Kinds Of Web Application

A web application is any kind of app that can be accessed and used on a browser without having to download software or files. Web based applications are now a near ubiquitous sight on commercial websites. Although web applications are not a completely novel innovation, they have evolved beyond recognition in recent years. Here is a brief guide to the kinds of web application currently in use.

  1. Single Page Apps

Email services like Gmail make use of single page web apps. Single page web apps are famously quick loading. The most distinctive feature of a single page web app is the consistency of its displayed navigation tools. For instance, the navigation bar on the side of a Gmail page will remain static even while an end user navigates their email. The entire page does not need to be reloaded – only the content that is being navigated towards.

  1. Multiple Page Apps

Unlike single page web apps, multiple page web apps require the reloading of an entire page when a navigational command is given. This kind of app helps to run services such as Amazon and Google Documents and allows an end user to access multiple full web pages while staying within the framework of the app.

  1. Static Apps

There are web application development services, like Make IT Simple, which typically offer static app development as their most basic product. Static web apps allow end users to experience app features in browser without their hardware having to fetch any kind of data from the host server. This makes static web apps very compatible with almost any platform that can access the internet. Static web apps are relatively easy to develop.

  1. Dynamic Apps

Dynamic web apps use data generated by the user to create a customized service. Companies like Netflix make use of dynamic web apps to create a unique set of recommendations for end users. Data is generated in real time according to a user’s navigational request and information gathered from requests made in the past. An increasing number of services use dynamic web apps to tailor content.

  1. Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems like WordPress are essentially open-source web building applications that allow for the online creation of a site without having to download and recall data to or from hardware systems. These Content Management Systems are incredibly popular for the creation and maintenance of small ecommerce websites. Assets can be stored entirely on remote servers operated by the CMS provider, which makes web design a great deal easier and cheaper for businesses on a budget. An estimated 39.5% of the websites online are built using the WordPress Content Management System.

  1. Progressive Apps

Progressive web applications are increasingly popular because of their improved cross platform User Experience. Progressive apps allow for the automatic loading of native mobile applications and desktop browser applications based on information passed on by the end user’s hardware. This is achieved using the latest Application Programming Interface software. APIs significantly simplify the development of web-based applications that can operate on multiple platforms smoothly.