Poly Voyager Focus 2: The Best Headset and Other Accessories for Remote Work


With Covid-19 changing life from the way it once was, more people than ever are working from home. It can be challenging to create a space at home that’s designated for work and completely separate from the chaos of life. That’s why it’s crucial to have these accessories that can help keep those boundaries firm and create a distraction-free workspace to up the productivity level and get some actual work done at home.

Finding a Great Headset

For those working remotely, getting a business-grade headset is a must. The Poly Voyager Focus 2 is one of the best headsets and has superior audio performance. It’s super simple to use and can connect to PCs, Macs, and smartphones, too. Not only that, but it has a 19 hour talk time, so you won’t have to stop and charge the headset halfway through the day or be stuck on a USB charger while talking. Not only that, but with this headset, you’re never stuck at a desk—it’s got a 164 feet range, and it also has Advanced Digital Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling (ANC), so the audio is crystal clear even on a bad connection.

Standing Laptop Platform

This type of laptop stand moves upwards, turning a simple desk into someplace you can stand and work. It’s all too easy to get stuck into the trap of sitting down all day and not moving around, which is ultimately a sedentary lifestyle. This can lead to sore, stiff muscles, weight gain, and a bad back. However, this standing laptop desk allows for it to be simply be moved higher or lower whenever you feel like standing or sitting, which is much healthier overall.

Wireless Keyboard

A wireless keyboard is an excellent investment. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming having a computer screen two feet away from your face during the entire day of work. That’s where a wireless keyboard comes in handy. It allows for sitting on the couch, on the bed, or working anywhere there’s a flat space, and you can see the monitor. It also allows for working on a tablet or even your cell phone in a pinch. However, they’re perfect for connecting to a computer or laptop, increasing range considerably from a wired keyboard.

Wireless Mouse

Every laptop has a trackpad, but it can be unwieldy and awkward to use. A wireless mouse is a great investment and makes it much easier to use the computer and work at home. Most trackpads are also at a strange angle, and it means you have to be right there at the computer to work. A wireless mouse allows for great range and is much easier, faster, and more convenient to use than a wired mouse. Typically, they’re either Bluetooth or come with a USB chip to make it easy to pair with any device.

Work From Home Essentials

It’s estimated that almost one-quarter of the American population will be working at home by the end of 2021. That’s why it’s crucial to get these work-from-home essentials, which can boost productivity and help create a distraction-free workspace, even when it’s located in the middle of a chaotic household. Invest in a business-grade 3m radio headphones, wireless mouse and keyboard, and a laptop platform that will turn into a standing desk. That way, it’s just a little bit easier to separate work from home, even on those stressful or crazy days.