The Best Making of the Instagram Strategy

Do you use Instagram in your content strategy? Do you want to know how to make the most of it, and get more visits to your website? Instagram is a social network that is all the rage, especially among the youngest. Today we would like to show you a series of little tips to increase traffic to your website thanks to this fun social network.
Include the url of your website in your profile
Best of all, you can modify the link as many times as you want. You can only include links in your bio, so you have to make the most of the 150 characters that Instagram allows you. It seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people include little relevant information on their Instagram profile. Your main objective is to take advantage of social networks to bring more traffic to your website, but if the url is not present in your profile:
How are they going to get there?
Imagine that a new or potential follower comes to your account, and wants to know who you are, it will go directly to your biography. If they don’t find a good full description, link to your website, and attractive content, they will most likely start following you.
Tip: Add emojis in your description (I’ll leave you here the link to download them, if you don’t have them). Instagram is a social network not as formal as Linkedin , for example.
As you can see, in the biography we used a shortened link, to be able to record and analyze each visit. In my case we opted for bitly, but you have other options such as Google Url Shortener, among the best known. Using a shortened link will allow you to record the number of clicks that link receives, what traffic you receive from your account to the web. Do not forget to create your own exclusive link, unique to Instagram, for better monitoring and analytics. If you want to get a proper insight then go for the sharemyinsights now.
Use hastags in all your photos
Like Twitter, Instagram allows the use of hastags. If you have already used this social network before, you will have noticed that each photo has a good number of hastags , which allow you to locate each photo in a faster and easier way, thanks to its search engine. This is more powerful than Twitter , since the more hashtags you use, the more likely you are that your photo will reach a greater number of Instagram users .
Use up
Be careful, because using more than 5 can be spam, and we do not want your account to start to fall badly. For example, if you have a clothing brand, you could use #fashion, which is also in high demand worldwide. If you are a personal trainer, you run a gym, use #fitness.
The hastag is a segmentation search strategy, aimed at a market niche, which allows us to show our photos to a specific target audience.