How does laser help in cosmetic and medical treatments?

The medical devices that use accurately targeted sources of light to eliminate or treat tissues are referred to as the medical lasers.
What is LASER?
LASER or Light amplification by stimulated emission radiation or Laser light, unlike ordinary light that spreads, is focussed and has a particular wavelength. It is targeted to a single beam that creates a light of high intensity. Since they focus precisely on tiny regions, these are made use in accurate cutting in tissue or surgical operations.
Laser surgery for Cosmetic treatment
A cosmetic laser procedure works on various skin issues.
There are two types of lasers used for cosmetic treatment procedures:
- Ablative lasers
- Non-Ablative lasers
Ablative lasers
These lasers vaporize the skin’s damaged top layers.
Non-Ablative lasers
These lasers go deeper through the skin eliminating the damaged skin layers without harming the top layers of the skin. This is why the downtime associated with this procedure is minimal.
Operation and use of laser in cosmetic procedures
Mono implies to one colour, and lasers emit one colour wavelength light or in other words are monochromatic. Through selective photothermolysis, lasers operate in cosmetic procedures. This implies that there is a modulation light frequency to generate heat in a particular region where destruction is needed. The light beam wavelength ought to be in sync with the target colour that needs the repair or modification. These can be areas of brown spots or any skin issue.
Used Lasers types for Cosmetic applications
Fine Lines and Wrinkles: For wrinkles and lines, a blend of skin tightening and resurfacing are used. Both use ablative laser-aggressive type such as Erbium or carbon dioxide laser.
Skin tags and warts: CO2 laser is made use in the elimination of skin tags, warts and in laser incorporated skin cutting procedures. Dye laser pulses combined with light-dependent and non-laser treatments are successful. LED photo facials and IPL r some examples.
Skin tightening: The majority of cosmetic lasers treatments offer a level of tightening superficially since they generate a controlled skin injury that boosts an enhanced generation of collagen. For considerable tightening, CO2 lasers are a good choice. There have been successful results that make use of light-based, non-laser procedures. These include Thermage Radio Frequency and Titan IR devices/systems.
Lesion pigmentation: Sunspots, hyperpigmentation, age spots and melisma are treated with dye lasers along with other non-laser systems.
Precancerous Lesions: All the surgeons have to eliminate cancerous lesions using a scalpel as only this method can ensure total removal. The laser is being utilized for the treatment as a measure for prevention. Lasers used are Erbium and CO2 to eliminate lesions.
Vascular Lesions: These lesions are broken vessels of blood on the face, hemangiomas, spider veins and birthmarks. Diode lasers, dye lasers, IPL are laser types used in treating such lesions.
Tattoos: A quality switched type of laser is used to eliminate a tattoo.
Hair Removal: Based on the pigment in hair and skin, the laser hair elimination method is successful. Diode lasers and IPL are used for hair removal.
Acne– CO2 is the right laser for eliminating deep acne scars. For superficial removal of acne and its scars, non-ablative lasers are used. LED is also another method.
The laser has developed in a big way. It has found a place in treatment processes that involve skin, hair and tissues. It has found a place in medical and cosmetic treatment procedures. With so many aesthetic treatments to beautify personal look and skin issues, Medical Lasers treatments are here to stay.