How To Change Kingdoms In Rise Of Kingdoms


Ascent of Kingdoms is a famous portable continuous technique (RTS) game that permits you to fulfill your reality victory dreams. On the off chance that you appreciate playing technique games and need to have a mass multiplayer on the web (MMO) experience, you’ll presumably discover Rise of Kingdoms entirely pleasant. The game is completely allowed to download on the two iOS and Android. 

To keep the game intriguing, you’re permitted to change realms in Rise of Kingdoms should you want to do as such. In this article, you’ll gain proficiency with about changing realms and relocating. We’ll likewise answer a portion of your consuming inquiries in regards to RoK. 

Step by step instructions to Change Kingdoms 

Each new player begins at Level 1 on an irregular worker. These amateur workers are loaded with other new players to guarantee there will not be any more grounded players exploiting you. Since everybody around you is at a comparable level, you can step up at a relaxed speed. 

Notwithstanding, you’re in every case allowed to change your realm, which is viably changing your worker. In Rise Of Kingdoms Guides, both allude to exactly the same thing. In the event that you figured out how to arrive at City Hall Level 7, you could utilize your Beginner’s Teleport thing to change workers as long as you meet the prerequisites. Relax – since it’s totally free you don’t need to spend a solitary penny on changing your realm. 

Am I Restricted to Just My Kingdom? 

No, you’re not limited to your unique realm. With the assistance of Beginner Teleports, you can without much of a stretch change realms. By arriving at City Hall Level 7, you get two of them. Initially, in the wake of outperforming Level 8, you wouldn’t have the option to change realms any longer. 

This was the situation until an update presented Passport Pages. They presently permit you to move to some other realm you need as long as you satisfy the prerequisites. Utilizing them allows everybody to switch realms at whatever point they need. 

So you can cheer, as there are approaches to change your realm at whatever point you need. The Beginner Teleports are important for the game movement rewards, which means everybody will get them. With respect to Passport Pages, you’ll need to buy them yourself. 

Which Requirements Should I Meet to Change Kingdoms? 

Utilizing Beginner Teleports to Change Kingdoms 

For utilizing Beginner Teleports, there are a few necessities that should be satisfied. They’re not equivalent to Passport Pages, and in case you’re hoping to utilize those all things being equal, you might need to avoid this part. In any case, fledglings should focus, as they’re probably as yet having Beginner Teleports. 

The necessities for changing realms with Beginner Teleports are as per the following: 

City Hall should be Level 7 or beneath. 

Every one of your soldiers should be home. 

There can’t be fortifications in your city. 

You can’t be essential for a collusion. 

You can just have one person on the planet you need to transport to. 

In the event that you figure out how to finish these prerequisites, you can utilize your Beginner’s Teleport. Obviously, you need to have no less than one close by to burn-through. Removing your soldiers from battle prior to moving shouldn’t be excessively hard.