WordPress is an amazing platform given the fact that it is an easy content management system that helps in uploading content to blogs. But it doesn’t work so well with other platforms such as google docs.

Lots of bloggers who must put contents on their sites regularly would usually use google docs as it makes content sharing easier.

However, moving contents from google docs to WordPress can be a nightmare as formatting is done on google docs usually get scattered during the move.

Google Docs is most likely the most popular platform when looking at online document sharing. Looking at the trends over the past few years, google docs has been topping the charts. More so, it is free to use and has become the number 1 tool for all internet users.


When writing an article on a blog, for example, I usually do my draft in google docs as I can easily pen down my thoughts on the go.

Over time, I look through the article, make amends until I am satisfied with the outcome. Then I move it into WordPress. Usually, I just do a copy and paste from google docs to WordPress visual editor.

My experience so far has been that once I do a copy and paste, different kinds of formatting issues usually occur.

The first issue I encounter is that there are usually extra lines in between paragraphs even when I do not have extra lines in my google docs. The worst part is that when I use the code view, I usually notice extra sets of codes that are unnecessary.

The next issue I encounter when I copy from google DOC to DOCX Converter to WordPress is that extra span styles are created everywhere.

Thirdly, if I have a list in my google docs, extra font-weights styles are created.

This creates a whole lot of hassles. I then must start editing over again what I had already done in google docs.

I must do lots of backspacing and still fix the underlying codes.

This is time-consuming and affects performance especially if the job is for someone else and it is timed.

NOTE: When I copy from Microsoft word to WordPress, I only get spacing issues without the span style and font-weight issue.

Also, when copying from google docs to WordPress, images cannot be copied. I just load the images directly on WordPress.


What I usually do when I have these issues is

  • When I have a Google doc to post, I download it as Plain Text and Copy all the content text.
  • Create a new blog post on WordPress. At first, you’ll be looking at the Visual Editor, which shows you how the post will look when published
  • Click on the Text tab, where you’ll be able to see all the formatting HTML code. Paste your downloaded text from the Text file.
  • Now remove all the paragraph spacing and substitute the following line of code between paragraph breaks:


It takes a couple of minutes, and you’ll have to refer to the original doc to double-check that you’ve got the breaks correct.