NetBase: Leading Innovation in Social Media Analytics


Social media analytics regularly contends with innovation. It is a competitive field that seeks to gain the attention of individuals. In some respects, we have moved beyond the concept of market share and more direct connections between producers and consumers. This is inherently impractical because producers cater to so many. However, through analytics, a provider can better understand the customers that value its products the most.

Ongoing Innovation in Social Media Analytics

To say that innovation is ongoing in the field of social media analytics is rather redundant. Analytics itself is concerned with making sense of new data. It involves both discovery and interpretation. Both of these qualities are also essential for innovation. Now consider the content of the data and how its is populated. Unlike traditional media, social media is unstructured. In fact, many organizations strive for only this aspect, bringing order to the chaos and emotions of Facebook and Twitter accounts. It’s not surprising that both of these giants now have analytics that come standard with a free account.

Emerging Technologies

There are many technologies that enter our world each passing week. An emerging technology is one that promises to change, or at least alter, how we live. Of these, there are much fewer. The Internet was an emerging technology in the 80s and 90s. Many believe that it has only begun to blossom. In contrast, while aviation is a driver of our economy, many of us are merely spectators. Imagine a world without roads where you can travel directly from point A to point B. This is what aviation means. It is an unrealized innovation.

The Most Impressive Advancements are Still to Come

Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning are at the core of social media analytics. Another technology is placing itself alongside AI-related innovations. Blockchain technology is not well understood. Developers know them to be a decentralized platform up which to create a new, better Internet. Blockchains improve the way we can manage data. They also improve upon its security. For innovations in AI, this means a lot. It means that AI can develop and grow with much less technological barriers. It also empowers individuals with their personal data.

It is helpful to keep an eye on companies that actually operate at the forefront of these emerging technologies. NetBase is among the most influential in social media analytics. You will find that it does custom solutions the right way and leverages all the most pertinent technologies.

About NetBase

NetBase is a leader in providing social media analytics tools. Its custom solutions enable businesses to respond to a rapidly advancing marketplace. NetBase recognizes that there is no single solution for every business or industry. This is why principles of customization are at the core of its technological development. Key to NetBase solutions is AI and deep learning. This brings its users an unparalleled level of usable data.

NetBase Services

It is hard to imagine a custom solution that neglects customer support. This is why NetBase allots for support protocols alongside the development of its custom solutions. Maybe your operations are data intensive on a daily basis and requires more frequent logins by more users. In contrast, a company might rely on more cyclical solutions connected to department heads. In either case, NetBase services can align precisely to your business needs. This means that you will have the same access to a plethora of actionable information regardless of your operational dynamic. NetBase can deliver this type of solution because it understands the nuances of raw data across markets.