Perfect Use for the Smartphones: What Would You Choose


This year again on the side of smartphones, the supply is plethoric across all price ranges. If you want to replace your phone, follow the guide to make the best choice and buy the mobile that will meet all your expectations. You can visit for having a proper understanding about the matter.

What new smartphone to buy in 2019 and our advice to choose well

Before drawing the blue card, ask yourself the right questions and identify what matters to you the most. Is it the size of the screen, the camera, the autonomy? The ideal would be to have everything no? In the end, it will be the price or function ratio that will condition your purchase. Because in most cases, price still determines performance and even if the proposals of Chinese manufacturers are aggressive, this adage will not change again this year. Again if you’re AT&T users, you should check out the at&t deals for existing customers.

The new smartphones of 2019

On the premium

The most expensive models have the most advanced options, the processor and the most effective camera of the moment. They make it possible to do more than others and to be lathered with his little friends.

Samsung Galaxy S10 +

With the Galaxy S10 + Samsung launches a new cycle, and it shows immediately on the design of the device that adopts a screen “punched” excellent bill. The rest of the box is sublime and testifies to all the expertise of Samsung. In the jewel you will find a CPU of the very latest generation that reaches new heights in terms of performance. Added to this is a three-sensor photo part, including an ultra-wide-angle lens, which produces almost irreproachable images. On the other hand it can be blamed for very average selfies, or an impression sensor under the screen inefficient. The Galaxy S10 + is still a near faultless.

Apple iPhone XS Max

The Phone XS Max is a record breaking, price, diagonal screen or battery, it pushes the limits in many ways. Good everywhere, provided you accept its size, it is a perfect machine to replace your iPhone 6/7/8 Plus, it will offer photo / video performance never seen on iPhone, a long battery life and a superb display quality . A blow heart that should not forget the prohibitive tariff and the entry ticket set at 1255 € (in 64 GB) or 1427 € in 256 GB, the version we recommend for more durability.

Huawei P30 Pro

Like its predecessors of the “P” series, the P30 Pro focuses mainly on the photo. This year, Huawei’s great innovation is the integration of a photo sensor corresponding to a 5x optical zoom that offers frankly impressive results. To perfect the picture, it allows obtaining a hybrid magnification 10x of unequaled quality. The photo part is the great success of this smartphone. On the other hand, it is not done without compensation, especially in terms of the weight of the product and the design, which is not exceptional. It still benefits from a beautiful curved OLED screen of 6.4 inches, a significantly higher than average autonomy and an impression sensor under the screen.

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