Shelf Company Is Synonymous To Pre-Established Corporate Entity


Company’s which are created and without any corporate tasks they are left free are called Shelf Company or it can also be known as an aged company. Their main aim is to sell in the future to any group which ultimately saves the time as we know very well that starting a new company involves many legal formalities. Another synonymous name for the company is Shelf Company for sales, which has no assets and liabilities and is one of the fastest ways of getting up business and running. Trading can be started immediately after the appointment of new directors within a day and for it, opening a bank account is important. You can also take advise from one of the experts, such as AI Accountant Chai Chung Hoong. While currently registration of the company in India takes two weeks’ time.

Advantages of Shelf Company

There are unlimited advantages of Shelf Company for sales, which are that it saves them time, attracts the potential market as well as face the corporate competition efficiently and it can be easily accessed to the corporate credit. There are no assets and liabilities and one can gain the opportunity of bidding on the contracts instantly. Many times several opportunities were opened by the govt. or the concerned authority can only be reaped by the Shelf Company for sales companies having a certain length of time. 

Amazing Benefits of Shelf Company for Sales

The amazing benefits of Shelf Company for sales include that it provides instant availability and fast delivery. It shows the longevity of company filing and is ready for immediate transfer since no stocks are currently issued as well as provides great help when applying for the contracts and financing. One can order a shelf company instantly. Irrespective of the type of corporations the clients who want to open a company, need to restructure the existing corporation or for the setting of the holding structures, the shelf company provides the immediate solution to all these requirements. The whole process can be tedious for first timers due to which it is necessary to get the help from experts like AI Accountant Chai Chung Hoong.