The Perfect Organizational Options with the Right Steps


Large organizations today face an increasingly complex operation. Critical processes of production, storage, distribution, marketing, replenishment, purchasing, administration, HR, auditing must respond to an increasingly competitive and changing market and the incorporation of new business lines.

Mergers and acquisitions are becoming more frequent and produce organizational changes, incorporation, and coexistence of new systems and technological platforms. The need for Operational intelligence works properly here.

State, international, and internal regulatory changes become increasingly common and demanding. The fundamental business processes to keep the company running efficiently in this area of complexity are composed of tasks and critical interrelations carried out by people and systems.

The computer systems with which one lives in this reality are diverse, critical, and interrelated through interfaces. Update them at the pace the business demands, impossible. This reality also threatens the human factor, and many times the critical tasks with the necessary effectiveness and efficiency are not fulfilled.

The solution

Have all the necessary connections and data management resources to capture and normalize key data points throughout the company, including those that originate from IoT sources.

Detect & Alert. Report immediately to the person or system indicated whenever an event occurs that compromises the effectiveness or efficiency of critical tasks.

  • Real-time data analysis is the basis for better decision making throughout the company. User-specific algorithms must be incorporated to allow this analysis.
  • Accurate decision making must occur both individually and automatically and unattended. The organization cannot stop.
  • Once you are alert and decide to act, it is necessary to perform all the required tasks, and it is essential to record the data. Ensure that all underlying business processes are carried out. Never let your guard down.
  • Business environments are increasingly competitive and complex. Changes must be treated as they occur. Compliance and data integrity is a necessity, especially for highly regulated industries.

The treatment of any subject induces very soon to classify all its forms or modalities. This fact is more pronounced when it comes to a subject such as intelligence, whose appearance in the public domain is relatively recent, although its practice dates back to the beginning of the centuries.

This chapter relates a broad taxonomy of intelligence, which covers the dimensions that it can present (what the concept of intelligence can refer to product, process or organization), the classes that the product can perform according to the level of decision of its recipients, the identification of that same product according to its purpose, the types of said product according to the need for information that satisfies, the ways of determining the outcome according to the medium in which the data from which it starts is located, the identification of the same product based on the method of obtaining the starting information, the modalities of intelligence according to the territory on which it is made, and how it can be identified depending on the subject or fields of knowledge.