What Makes CCTV Surveillance Important Now


The territory can be defined as a physical space. It can be described as a simple spatial area, a map presenting the borders of a country, illustrating the natural resources present. It can also be described in terms of representations, in the form, for example, of complex networks formed by the legal and cultural ways of being together for the occupation of a shared material area. The representation of the territory, of its wealth, of the feeling of being in relation with it takes its source in multiple references. In both cases, physical space or symbolic space, indicators are put forward: surface units, degrees of pollution, cultural practices.

The Use of the Surveillance

Surveillance activity falls under one or other of its definitions. It concerns both the defense of the territory’s space and the conservation of multiple heritages. Surveillance will focus on what is observed, is objective, what is controlled. The surveillance activity necessitates an a priori representation of the territory. At the same time, this activity shapes the representation of the territory. Choosing the CCTV Kenya is essential there.

  • The reciprocal construction between territory and surveillance leads us now to formulate two hypotheses. First of all, can we affirm that if the surveillance practices change, it is that the representations of the monitored territory change? In this perspective, we must consider that surveillance practices reflect changes in the territory as we see it. Then, we put forward the hypothesis of the role of surveillance practices in the transformation of representations of the territory, and therefore in the way of being together.

We speak of “intelligent cameras” capable of analyzing in real time and without human intervention

As part of a seminar organized within the program, we were asked to ask ourselves about “the qualification of abnormal behavior”. For the sponsors of the program, this qualification was a necessary point of passage for the design of “smart cameras” 1 capable of launching alerts in the event of human danger without human intervention. Thinking about the design of such cameras must take into account a stable demand and an evolution of the response for at least two reasons.

The First Option

First, “smart cameras” are supposed to enhance the three classic functions of any video surveillance system: producing data for surveillance activity, entering this data into a surveillance program, participating in the orientation and triggering of interventions deemed necessary in the light of the information provided and the political objectives pursued. Note that this functional framework preexisted the invention or the implementation of the technologies required by “smart cameras” and their social interfaces. This is the dimension of stability. Second, the technical evolution concerns three emerging practices: the automatic interpretation of images from standard data or standard behaviors, the possible use of cameras in non-industrial spaces such as public spaces or establishments receiving of the public, the generalization of political and social acceptance of these cameras to monitor human behavior in a situation of being together.

Last Words

These three practices are part of an evolution in both technical and social response. This double development therefore constitutes an innovation. Indeed, it manifests itself by a tacit or affirmed acceptance of the presence of cameras in spaces and intended for increasingly large audiences. The “smart cameras, although provided with new technical possibilities would only extend the existing ways of monitoring.