Cloud-Biometric Authentication Fortifies FIDO’s Multi-Device Credentials


The need for improvements in cybersecurity has constantly increased with the continual increase of cyberattacks in the past decade. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in their 2021 IC3 report, showed that identity theft cases in 2021 led to more than $200 million of losses. The call for an alternative identity proofing process mainly aims to replace the most prevalent current solution, passwords.

Knowledge-based credentials like passwords have been widely used as the primary protection for online accounts. Most people who use digital platforms have their passwords, allowing them to access their profiles efficiently. The importance of passwords led to the introduction of World Password Day in 2013, which is celebrated every first Thursday of May.

In the recent World Password Day celebration, many industry leaders expressed the need to eliminate or reduce reliance on passwords. Passwords are considered overused, and bad actors already have multiple ways to swindle passwords from their target companies or consumers. The Fast Identity Online (FIDO) alliance expressed support for further expansion of device-based authentication in the coming years.

Led by board-level members Google, Microsoft, and Apple, the alliance aims to utilize the increased media consumption on various devices. This will allow them to offer a secure passwordless login experience to the clients in computer and mobile environments. This would also remove the need to register multiple devices to the FIDO solution, which is one of the requirements for previous FIDO standards.

It will also allow companies to integrate biometric authentication into their online security methods. Partnering with FIDO-certified members that provide robust biometric verification, such as authID and LoginID, will benefit the passwordless future. For authentication, using biological data, including fingerprints, face structure, and iris patterns, will give institutions accurate results to avoid potential data breaches.

To learn more about how cloud-biometric authentication fortifies FIDO’s multi-factor credentials, check this Article provided by