Field workforce management solutions – enabling mobile workforce management by an organization


Workforce is the most important aspect of any business work monitoring software organization. They are responsible for carrying out various activities and tasks which ultimately decides whether an organization will be able to survive in the market for long or not. They level of efficiency and effectiveness with which they work decides the overall progress for an organization and the level of satisfaction that customers receive upon purchasing products company deals in. Workforce within an organization are responsible for various tasks like accounting, budgeting, thinking, reporting and even delivering products and services provided by the business organization to ultimate consumers. The way they are managed within an organization acts as an indicator of costs and resources organizations are spending on the workforce..

Therefore, it becomes important to manage workforce, whether working in the top management or lower level management, in order to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of organizational workflow. Proper management also ensures reduction of labor related costs and timely redressal of customer complaints.

Workforce directly dealing with ultimate consumers and responsible for redressal of customer grievances is termed as field service workers. The activities which are performed by such workforce are categorized under field services. In order to properly manage the field worker force and streamline their workflow, an organization can adopt various field workforce management solutions.

A field service and workforce management software or solution acts as a cloud based platform which can be integrated with normal business applications and workflow. The solution helps companies deliver timely field services and complete onsite activities like invoicing, delivery, resolution of customer complaints, inventory management, repairs and maintenance etc. The field service management software can helps in completion of field jobs by tracking the potential and actual field jobs, managing the actual workforce working in the field and monitoring each and every activity including the progress of assigned tasks to the personnel.

A field service management software has following features:

  1. Workforce and workflow management
  2. Timely stocking and replenishment of inventories like necessary spare parts, tools and raw material for resolution of customer complaints.
  3. Cost effective dispatch and delivery services to the ultimate consumers
  4. Preparation of work and field job schedules in order to completely organize the activities to be performed. Work schedules are created according to time and priority using the automated system. Moreover, the software automatically identifies and registers customer complaints to ensure effective maintenance of work orders and their timely communication and completion.
  5. Real time tracking and monitoring of on-site task force. Workforce like technicians and Sales force who are actually working in the field and interacting with the ultimate consumers are tracked and monitored to identify progress of assigned work. Movement of every individual is tracked in order to provide correct direction to the point of origin of field job. This ensures proper management of field service workforce and personnel.
  6. Reporting and analysis of the reports prepared:

The field service management software helps the organization to keep proper record of information whether related to field personnel or customers. Such information can be reported to the top management for taking valuable and timely decisions which in turn reduces overhead costs of the enterprise.

These features make field service automation software an indispensable component for every business organization who wants to properly manage their workforce and field service workflow.

The field service management software can helps in completion of field jobs by tracking the potential and actual field jobs, managing the actual workforce working in the field and monitoring each and every activity including the progress of assigned tasks to the personnel. This system is basically a counterpart to time tracker software such as Workpuls, which is used to manage remote workers in computer-based roles.