Industrial Ethernet and Everything Related To It


Ethernet may seem a very big and complex word, but is actually a small traditional wired cable used to connect computers in a Local Area Network or LAN. Over this cable, the data travels from one device to another device.

Industrial Ethernet is a factory based network used to connect devices for the purpose of data collection for analysis of the production process. Ethernet technology is the basis of various information transmissions. 

This technology used in the industry is used to solve problems resulting from production, collect data, analyze and even predict the problems that may occur at the time of production so as to prevent any chaotic situation in the future. This technology also enables making changes in the machinery according to the actual situation so as to avoid any damage.

Requisites for Industrial Ethernet Connection

The very first consideration for the connection is the environment in which the devices would function. The machines should have a high tolerance for temperature, vibration, physical contamination, and electrical noise. Another very important aspect to be kept in mind while having an industrial Ethernet is the security. The network should be providing security from external intrusion a well as unauthorized use within the plant. Intrusion in the system can affect the assembly line production, packaging, important data, etc. 

Benefits of Industrial Ethernet


  • Easy installation as it is just the matter of one cable.
  • It gives any plant the ability to use standard access points, routers, switches, hubs, cables, and optical fiber.
  • It gives the option of using two nodes on a link.
  • It leads to savings in the long term due to the reduced waste from the production process due to more accurate and efficient functioning.
  • It reduces the downtime taken during equipment installation and maintenance.
  • Fewer complexities as compared to previous systems.
  • Ease of access to data from anywhere.
  • Troubleshooting is less time consuming because of the reduced complexities in the system.


Disadvantages of Industrial Ethernet


  • The typical Ethernet frame size stands as 64-bytes, while the industrial communication sizes vary from 1-8 bytes, which can affect the data transmission efficiency.
  • A whole shift from the existing systems to new protocols is chaotic, difficult and time taking.
  • The indirect cost of the Ethernet system may include lost productivity, delayed assembly line processes, cost of system shutdown, loss of services of the employees, safety and security concerns, etc.


Summarizing everything, the use of Industrial Ethernet will open ways to faster production and hassle-free transmission and access of data. It would give room to long term benefits and profits.