SEO is an Investment in Your Company’s Future


Who would spend money on producing a video commercial and then not actually air it anywhere?  Not broadcasting the ad would waste all the monies invested in its creation.  Having the ad and not broadcasting it is pretty much the same as not having an ad.    It is the same with websites.  With a website, your investment of time, energy, and dollars in its design and development is wasted if nobody sees it.  You can protect your investment in your website by investing in a marketing campaign to promote it.

The internet enables both your potential customers and your potential competitors to be located anywhere.  If your business is in New Jersey and you can do business with customers in California, that means your competition might be in NJ or it might be in California, close to that new potential client; or anywhere in between.

While the opportunities expand when the internet makes your business available to a greater set of customers, there is still only one page 1 in the Google search engine result pages (SERPs).  Look at page 1 for a search keyword that represents your business (not your business name).  There, you will see the businesses (your competitors) that have already invested in a marketing campaign for their website.  They didn’t get to page 1 by accident.

How can you convince Google to rank your website higher?  One tried and true method is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  SEO is a process of making a website appear to search engines more relevant for certain keywords than other sites.

The advantage ofbeing found in Google or Bing is that just about everyone is using them when they need to find something on the internet.  These are not cold calls!  These are customers looking for your goods and services.  Why not make it as easy as possible for them to find you?

Google will not automatically put your site at the top of page 1.  Google takes many factors into account when ranking websites based on keywords.  Google also likes regularly added unique content.

But who has time to generate all that fresh content?  A small business in New Jersey can partner with a NJ SEO company that can keep adding to the content on your website and get the high-quality links that will help its website rank well in Google search results and thereby make the site a 24×7 lead generator.

Online marketing can bring local or global customers to a business.  To learn how SEO can be an investment in your company’s future, see this infographic by Landau Consulting.