Winning the Games: Having a Perfect Life

Several studies have pointed out that playing video games can alter the brain. But scientific research has not yet reached a final word on whether these effects are, in general, negative or positive for the organism.
Violent games, for example, were often considered great villains, responsible for more aggressive youth. But not all investigations point to this harmful side to behavior and health . Check out below three surveys that indicate advantages and three with disadvantages of video games.
Agility in reasoning
According to a study released in 2010, shooting games, such as Call of Duty, can contribute to increased agility in reasoning. The research, carried out in the Netherlands by the psychology department at Leiden University, found that the responses, decisions and reflexes of those who have a habit of playing games have been improved by games.
In addition to not making users violent, users say these types of games can be useful for those working in high-speed environments. Even older people who want to rescue the speed lost with age can benefit, say the scientists. Now with the dota 2 boost winning the online games have become easier also.
Children who play video games become more creative, according to a survey by Michigan State University in the United States. The study, released at the end of last year, was carried out with 500 12-year-old boys and girls.
After undergoing creativity tests and responding to an interview, children using video games proved to be more creative, which revealed a link between games and this quality. And, although boys play more than girls, the positive influence of games in this regard does not differ between genders, nor between races.
The researchers also called attention to the fact that games improve spatial vision skills, which can be a door to good performance in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Less aggression in girls who play alongside their parents
Teen girls who play with their parents have less aggressive behavior, superior mental health and stronger family ties. This was the conclusion of a study released in 2011 by Brigham Young University, in the United States.
The survey was conducted with nearly 300 families with girls aged 11 to 16 years. Those who played with their parents had 20% better results. Despite this positive result, the boys surveyed had no change in behavior while playing alongside their parents.
Less emotional and cognitive control?
A survey released in late 2011 reinforces the idea that violent games are harmful. After a week of playing these types of games, the men who participated in the research showed changes in the front part of the brain, which controls cognition and emotion. According to professors at Indiana University School of Medicine, in the United States, the control of these two functions became worse at the end of that period. The tests were done with 28 men, 18 to 29 years old, half of whom were part of a control group and the other half played for a week.