Choosing the Finer Limits for the Best Deals Now

Overwatch may not be a graphically demanding game, but we know that’s not what many players feel. Do you want to be part of the competition, but your computer is having trouble running the game?
Then check out our tips for improving Overwatch performance without seeing the graphics get dramatically worse. Remember that you should always play the game at the native resolution of your screen and follow the game’s recommendations for graphics.
Our tips are for options that can be found under Options, video, advanced by choosing the detail mentioned. When it comes with the overwatch boost then it is for sure that you will be able to have the best deals.
Say goodbye to Dynamic Reflections
Changing the Dynamic Reflection settings will surely be the change with the greatest impact on Overwatch fps. One detail discovered by a Reddit user – raydialseeker – will make all the difference in framerate boosting.
Turn off this option and you will get up to 50% better fps in the game. The visual impact on the game will be minimal and you will see how it was worth turning off the option.
And what are Dynamic Reflections anyway? This is a visual detail that makes possible the reflection of the characters on reflective surfaces such as water, glass, among others. Turning off this option only takes your character’s reflection away, not affecting the reflections of buildings and other objects in the scene.
Decrease Shadow Detail
As its name implies, this option controls the depth and amount of shadows in the scene. The higher the detail and level of realism in your gaming experience. We recommend that you try setting the Shadow Detail option to a low level to avoid compromising the game. If you like to play ranked in Overwatch, it’s important to have all the information you need to attack and defend – and enemy shadows can make all the difference right now.
If competition is not the reason why you play Overwatch, then you can turn it off. What will happen is that some shadows will not be cast (like those of the opponents), but the realism will not be greatly affected.
Model Details should be reviewed
Model Details affects the quality and detail of elements in a scenario. To actually see framerate changes, you need to change the option to Low. Turning off Model Details removes a lot of visual information from the game and may compromise your experience.
Turn off Local Mist Details
This is one of those options that is very difficult to say what really changes in the game. We know that turning off Local Mist Details brings one of the biggest improvements to fps, and can increase your performance by up to 20%.
If nothing works, then it’s time to move the render scale
You may be doing your best to get the most out of your computer, but you still can’t increase fps. In this case, Rendering Scale can help you achieve your goal. We recommend lowering this scale up to 75% . Don’t go any farther than that or the look of the game will get too pixelated, resulting in a loss of graphic fidelity.