Definition of ADC (Analog to Digital Converter), and other details as well


Analog to digital conversion devices can be in the form of modules, electronic circuits or they can also be Electronic chain synchronization S-bandIC chips. The function of this electronic device is like a bridge in the processing of analog signals into digital signals.

ADC function

As explained, the ADC is an electronic device used to convert analog information into digital information. This tool will later convert analog input or input into digital codes. Many people use ADC as a controller and regulator for an industrial process, a series of measurements, digital communications, and tests and so on. In general, ADC is actually used as an intermediary or bridge, such as for light purposes, temperature sensors, pressure, flow, weight, etc. Then, measurements will be made using digital or digital computer.

ADC sampling speed

The sample rate in the ADC is used to indicate how often the conversion of analog signals to digital signals over a period of time. For speed units, it will usually be indicated as SPS or sample per second.

ADC Resolution

As for the resolution of ownership of the ADC, it states about the accuracy of the conversion value for the ADC. 8 bit ADC has an 8 bit data output. It means that the input signal can be expressed in 255 of the value.

How ADC works?

The way the ADC works is by converting analog signals to an amount that is a proportion of the input signal and the reference voltage. An example is when the reference voltage is 5 volts, while for the input voltage of 3 volts and the reference input rate is 60%. So, when you use the 8-bit ADC with a maximum scale of 255, next, you will receive a digital signal of 60% x 225 = 153, expressed in decimal form. It can also be in the form of 10011001, which is a binary number.

Below, we have information about the types of ADC that you should also understand.

Simultaneous ADC: The simultaneous ADC is also referred to as Flash Converter. It is a VI entry that will be converted to digital format, which will be provided simultaneously on the + side of the comparator.

ADC ramp counter: The second type of ADC is called the ADC counter ramp, in which you will find a DAC circuit that will receive input from the counter from the clock source where the clock source will be controlled.

ADC SAR (Successive Approach Record): The SAR will use a configuration that is not much different from the counter ramp. But when tracking with tracking, the resulting output is a combination of bits MSB = 1 =====> 1000 0000.

ADC Comparator

The most basic form of communication between analog and digital forms is a device in which the IC can be called a comparator. The comparator will be widely used in alarm signals for computers and digital processing systems. This element is also part of converters or converters from analog to digital or from digital to analog.