Design an application like Uber


Designing an application like Uber   has become one of the most required applications at the present time and that is because the demand for it has become increasing among businessmen all over the world, as some taxis are currently requesting an application such as Uber   with some minor modifications to the Uber or Careem application model when It is commensurate with their daily work, and some seek to apply it to other industries to facilitate simple communication with clients.

How does the Uber   app work?

Uber   application is one of the applications dedicated to ordering taxis, and it is important for millions because of its excellent features for passengers and drivers, as well as providing many business opportunities for most people. For this reason, Uber   have become a real blessing for most people from 2012 until now, where they can simply now Reservation of a good car and driver in the form of a special taxi with one click on the mobile, with the location determined by opening the location only, and you will reach the nearest car to you within a few minutes.

For this reason, we at Network Orders provided design applications such as Uber   due to the increasing demand for it and the professionalism desired for the customer and according to the desire of many customers to follow the method of applying Uber   to reach a faster form for the customer.

The cost of designing an application like Uber

It is important to bear in mind first that it is difficult to determine the cost of designing the application accurately, since the application contains many things and software additions that make the application in its most recent form, no one can estimate the cost explicitly, and this all often depends on several important things, including: Method Application, development rates, some additional features in the application, the final image of the application, and many other things that are developmental software additions in the application.

 We at the Network Orders Foundation offer you thirteen years of experience in providing the application to the customer in the appropriate picture for his work and his request in a manner befitting the customer and the consumer. The organization has already designed many similar applications and many applications for other services and projects in proportion to the customer’s idea, ease of use, and dealing with the consumer .

The importance of designing an application such as Uber   from a trusted organization such as network orders

In our present time, designing an application such as Uber   has become an imperative for some projects because of the importance and ease of the customer in reaching the consumer and this attracts consumers to your project, the more easily the demand increases the more demands on the application, because the application has achieved in recent years a clear success and at the highest level In the whole world, and ranked excellent in the best applications, and delivery services have become accessible to and from many countries and places, and therefore we provide you with an application design such as Uber and Karim through a strong team of distinguished programmers and professional designers in the network orders institution, befitting you and your work Up faster customers and grow your business and your profit and your business significantly.

We also take into account in the network orders institution that we offer to work the application is valid for all different operating systems, whether Android or iOS for different iPhone mobile phones.

How does the Uber   application work?

We should note that designing an application such as Uber   means designing two different separate applications but complementing each other and with different functions, namely:

 – Passenger application: They are the ones who order and book a car from a mobile phone.

 – Application for drivers: they are the ones who receive your order and reservation and head to your place.

And both of them have the most appropriate application for him to deal and here comes the role of the company and the institution to clarify the role of employees and add applications for work on their mobile phones and clarify the mechanism for receiving customers through the application and the way to respond to the request and we in the network orders institution to explain the matter adequately to the customer so that the application is clear to him in full with all his advantages

Uber   application features

There is a large list of features specific to this application, and this is why it is a basic and always evolving application within the package of taxi applications. There are some common features between both the driver application and the passenger application, as well as both of them have their main advantages as well.

Here are some basic features of the Uber   application, not all of them, of course:

  1 / Registration: You can register via e-mail, social media or accounts, as well as credit cards and payment processing.

 2 / Reservation interface: It is a screen to enter the place and address in order to call a taxi to its location and specify the type of vehicle and the driver, and you can also specify a location for receipt.

 3 / Tracking feature: In order to track the location of the driver, it is important to perform the update during or after the trip, etc.

4 / Calculating the price: It is intended to verify the cost allocated for the trip from the beginning of the trip to the end of it.

5 / How to pay the amount: The method of accounting can be cash and can be within the application only, and it is paid directly via credit card, and the user can receive the bill via mobile phone with e-mail.

6 / Notifications: In order to inform the user about the status of the request, the exact time of arrival of the vehicle and other details such as the type of car, car number, car color and the name of the driver.

7 / Booking record: It is a powerful feature of the application and it gives you a complete record of all trips and your assessment of each trip, its cost, date and duration.

8 / How to navigate: This is done using Google Maps or Google Places until you get the most important customer directions and destination, and can be expressed,

You can also estimate costs, reports, messages and support.

What features will you get when requesting an Uber and Karim application from the Network Orders Foundation?

The Network Orders Foundation offers you several advantages when you request to apply Uber and Karim 1 / The application is designed for you in both Arabic and English languages as you wish.

2 / Design the application in a manner compatible with different operating systems, Android and iPhone.

3 / The design of the application

The two interfaces (driver application and passenger application) are recognized with a simple interface.

4 / Professional design with quality work app.

5 / Adherence to the agreed deadlines in terms of the date for reviewing and delivering the application.

Finally, we are pleased with your visit to the Network Orders Corporation in order to benefit from the services that we provide to customers, including the service of designing electronic applications in the manner, form and software required by customers. And we are fully prepared to communicate with you by phone or through social media or your visit in order to assist you in the utmost in choosing the appropriate design for your work and know how to design the required application in a professional and distinct manner at the right time for you, as we are fully prepared to answer all your inquiries about how Design an application like Uber  .

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